West Texas Insurance Agency

3702 Mockingbird Ln
Amarillo, TX 79109

Temporary Insurance Adjustments During a Commercial Renovation

A commercial business renovation may require adjustments to your existing business insurance policy. These adjustments will protect your place of business, the contents stored within, and the people who have access to your property.


First, you should consider the building you own and operate. When renovating the space, you will likely choose many new structural materials to complete the upgrades.

Adding these materials to your commercial insurance policy will prevent monetary loss if any of the materials are ultimately damaged. In addition, the coverage will protect the materials from theft and vandalism. 


The next thing you should focus on is the type of items you plan on storing within your business. If you are going to swap old furniture out for new furniture, for instance, your new investments may require additional insurance coverage. 

One way to keep track of every item you need to insure is by documenting the purchases you make while the renovation project is underway.


A risk of injury or damage occurs while a renovation project is active. Having liability insurance coverage will protect you in the event of an unforeseen incident. This type of coverage will pay for costs associated with any injury or damage that occurs on or in your property while the renovation is underway.

Contact West Texas Insurance Agency

Contact one of our representatives at West Texas Insurance Agency. An agent who serves the Amarillo, TX, region will gladly assist you with selecting temporary insurance products that will increase the coverage that your existing commercial insurance policy provides for your place of business.

Three Types of Commercial Insurance You May Need

Commercial Insurance: Protecting Your Business Across All Fronts

As a business owner, safeguarding various aspects of your business is essential. Considering the many liability forms, having the right insurance in place is paramount to managing your business risks. If you’re a business owner in Amarillo, TX, and need advice on how to shield your business best, don’t hesitate to contact us at West Texas Insurance Agency.

Worker’s Compensation Insurance: A Vital Necessity

An integral type of commercial insurance, worker’s compensation insurance, is mandatory for all businesses with employees. Regardless of your headcount, you’re accountable for any on-job accidents or occupational illnesses your employees may contract. It’s prudent never to be without this crucial risk protection.

Cyber Insurance: An Underestimated Safety Net

Today’s digital landscape holds numerous threats that can jeopardize businesses of all scales. A common misconception among business owners is presuming their business won’t be a hacking target due to its size. However, all businesses, irrespective of their scale, are potential cyberattack victims. In the unfortunate event of a data breach, the penalties can be financially draining, which underscores the importance of cyber insurance.

Commercial Auto Insurance: Coverage for Your Corporate Vehicles

When your business operates company-owned vehicles, a commercial insurance policy is critical. It provides coverage for incidents not typically paid for by a personal auto policy. Each vehicle in your fleet requires this specific insurance.

Investing In Commercial Insurance

It’s time to bolster your business protection if your current insurance coverage falls short. To learn more about identifying and managing the risks faced by your Amarillo, TX business, contact us at West Texas Insurance Agency.

How Do I Know What Commercial Insurance Products Will Most Benefit My Business?

Selecting the ideal commercial insurance products for your business is essential for safeguarding your assets and financial stability. West Texas Insurance Agency in Amarillo, TX, is here to help you determine the most beneficial insurance products for your unique business needs.

Assess Your Business Needs

Begin by assessing your business’s specific requirements. Consider factors such as your industry, business size, and operational risks. Recognize that legal requirements for insurance may apply depending on your location and industry.

Common Commercial Insurance Products

Key commercial insurance products to consider include:

  1. General Liability Insurance: Protects against third-party claims involving injury, property damage, and advertising injury.

  2. Commercial Property Insurance: Covers losses related to business property, including buildings, equipment, and inventory.

  3. Workers’ Compensation Insurance: Provides coverage for employee injuries and medical expenses.

  4. Business Interruption Insurance: Replaces lost income and covers operating expenses during business interruptions.

  5. Commercial Auto Insurance: Protects business-owned or used vehicles.

  6. Professional Liability Insurance: Safeguards against errors and omissions in professional services.

Customized Coverage

Tailor your insurance coverage to your business’s unique needs. An insurance agent can help you design policies like cyber liability insurance, inland marine insurance, or product liability insurance, ensuring your specific requirements are met.

Navigating the complexities of commercial insurance is more manageable with the assistance of professionals. They possess local expertise and will effectively guide you through the process. To secure the right commercial insurance for your business, contact West Texas Insurance Agency, serving Amarillo, TX, today. Our dedicated team is ready to evaluate your needs and provide the protection your business deserves. Your business’s success is our top priority.

Understanding Business Interruption Insurance: Safeguarding Your Operations

Business interruption insurance from West Texas Insurance Agency is an indispensable resource that safeguards Amarillo, TX businesses from unforeseen events that may result in loss or damage. This coverage helps mitigate financial losses during interruptions or suspensions of regular business operations. It encompasses lost revenue, rent or lease payments, relocation expenses, employee wages, and loan payments that persist even when operations are paused.

Why You Need Business Interruption Insurance

A sudden halt in operations can cause a significant financial impact, jeopardizing the stability of your business. Whether it’s a natural disaster, such as a flood or fire, unexpected property damage, or any unforeseen event that disrupts your operations, having business interruption insurance can be a financial lifesaver.

For example, imagine that your business suffers extensive water damage due to a burst pipe and has to close for repairs. With business interruption insurance, not only would the physical repair costs be covered, but the lost income from being unable to serve customers during the repair period would also be compensated for.

This essential coverage provides a safety net, helping you maintain financial stability and recover more quickly after the event by covering lost income, ongoing expenses, and additional costs to get your business back on track. With business interruption insurance, you can have peace of mind knowing that your business is protected from unforeseen disruptions and can bounce back stronger than ever.

In all these cases, business interruption insurance proves invaluable, providing the financial buffer businesses need to recover and return.

Act now to protect your business’s future.

To learn more about how business interruption insurance can protect your business in Amarillo, TX, contact West Texas Insurance Agency. We’re here to help safeguard your operations and financial well-being.

How workers compensation insurance can protect both your employees and you

As a business owner in the Amarillo, TX area, having the right insurance coverage is essential for protecting your employees and yourself. Workers’ compensation insurance from West Texas Insurance Agency is an integral part of that coverage, providing both financial and medical benefits to employees in the event of an on-the-job injury or illness. Without this coverage, you would be liable for any costs associated with an employee’s work-related injury or illness.

Workers’ compensation insurance covers various expenses related to work-related injuries or illnesses, including medical costs, disability payments, and death benefits. It also pays lost wages while workers recover from their injury or illness. These benefits are paid regardless of who is at fault for the injury or illness, which helps protect both you and your employees from potentially significant financial losses. Additionally, many states require employers to carry workers’ compensation insurance to operate their businesses legally.

In addition to providing protection against financial loss in the event of an on-the-job injury or illness, workers’ compensation insurance can also provide peace of mind for you and your employees. Knowing that a safety net is in place if something goes wrong can help everyone feel more secure in their workplace environment.

Overall, workers’ compensation insurance is a vital form of protection that both employers and employees should have in place. It can provide financial security and peace of mind for everyone involved if something goes wrong.

For more information, call us at West Texas Insurance Agency today. We proudly serve the Amarillo, TX area and would happily assist you.

What Perils Can Commercial Insurance Cover?

Texas does not require any commercial insurance for Amarillo, TX entrepreneurs, even workman’s comp, but it is a good investment for business owners. Below are some common perils that can be included, and your West Texas Insurance Agency representative can give more specific details as to what would be covered. 

General liability insurance will often protect you if you are responsible for property damage due to your services. This can extend to situations where the harm you cause to others is in the form of advertising. Your wording could have been misleading due to a miscommunication, or it may have been due to a typo or an omission. 

You could also have caused injuries that resulted in medical expenses and lost wages. Sometimes you can be sued to reach a reasonable outcome as well. This can happen either through faulty products or on your premises. If, for example, a customer trips on improperly secured flooring, you can be held financially liable. Other common perils are mistakes that your employees cause, such as destroying a client’s home by failing to perform a job adequately.

Your partners can benefit when you obtain various commercial insurance policies, as their interests will often be considered. It can help you maintain a good reputation in your professional community, as issues will be resolved quickly and professionally. 

West Texas Insurance Agency Can Help You 

We can put together an individualized insurance package to meet your needs and invite business owners in the Amarillo, TX area to reach out to us. We are available to speak to you by phone; you can visit our website or stop by the office for more details. 

When Should I Update My Commercial Insurance Policy?

Running a business can take much of your time, and matters like insurance may fall by the wayside. With your to-do list filled to the brim, updating your commercial insurance policy may easily be put on the back banner. At West Texas Insurance Agency of Amarillo, TX, we advise business owners to update their policies yearly. This ensures you pay the right amount of premiums and that your current insurance needs are taken care of.

However, sometimes you don’t have to wait for a year to lapse to update your policy. Talk to your business insurance agent when the below occurs:

  • Changes in the workforce: When you increase or decrease the number of your employees, inform your insurer. The workforce size is a significant factor when computing your worker’s comp insurance, so ensure your policy is adjusted when hiring or firing employees.
  • Changes in your assets: Have you disposed of your old computers or machinery due to technology changes? Have you added new equipment to support your new line of business? Either way, you should update your business insurance policy to reflect the assets in your possession.
  • New business line: If you have introduced new products or services, you are exposed to new risks. To protect your business, ensure the changes are reflected in your policy.
  • Increased business revenue: When your income grows, your business has more to lose when faced with liability claims. It also means you stand to lose more when your business is disrupted. Talk to your insurer to provide coverage matching your current revenue.

Would you like to upgrade your commercial insurance in Amarillo, TX? Please talk to West Texas Insurance Agency today. Our skilled agents will help you protect your business.

Is it time to review your commercial policy?

West Texas Insurance Agency is here for business owners in Amarillo, TX. If you have been in business for a while, it may be time to review your commercial insurance policy. We recommend that our clients review their policies at least once a year to ensure that there aren’t any gaps in their coverage. If you are looking for a partner to help you with all of your insurance needs, call our office today to set up a meeting.

We can help you review your commercial insurance policy

When it comes to commercial insurance, it’s vital that your policy keeps up with your business needs. As time goes by and your company grows and changes, your commercial insurance needs will too. It’s all too easy to renew the same policy every time without taking a close look to ensure that it still meets your needs.

A company’s insurance needs can change as it increases the level of inventory it holds, adds another vehicle to the fleet, or even if they’ve increased production to meet higher demand. Commercial insurance needs aren’t stagnant, so it’s essential to ensure that your policy keeps up with the changes.

When you sit down to review your policy, make sure that you have the liability protection you need and take a close look at your current policy limits. Be sure that you have the right amount of coverage too.

Let’s get started!

Amarillo, TX area business owners can count on the West Texas Insurance Agency team for all of their commercial insurance needs. If it’s time to review your current policy, or you need to make some changes or adjustments, give our office a call today.

Is commercial insurance required in Texas?

When it comes to owning a small business, you’ll want to be sure that you stay abreast of any changes to state law that impact the type of insurance you are required to have. In Texas, businesses are only required to have one type of insurance – commercial auto. Any business-owned vehicle is required to have commercial auto insurance with at least minimum liability coverage. Unlike many other states, Texas does not require businesses to have workers’ compensation insurance, which helps pay for the medical bills and lost wages from missing work associated with an injury or illness sustained on the job. Although Texas does not require workers’ compensation insurance, you’ll likely want to make the investment and have a policy. If you don’t and an employee is injured or becomes ill because of their job, you’ll be on the hook for all their medical bills, which could quickly bankrupt a company. 

In addition to commercial auto insurance and workers’ compensation insurance, West Texas Insurance Agency in Amarillo, TX can assist in educating you on additional policies that may provide extra peace of mind for you and your business. For example, cyber liability insurance helps companies recover from costly cyber attacks by providing coverage to pay for regulatory fines, customer notifications, and ransom extortion payments.

For more information on commercial insurance, reach out to the friendly and knowledgeable team at the West Texas Insurance Agency. We’ll take time to learn about your business so that we can recommend a personalized insurance policy that best protects your business while staying within budget. Give us a call today or stop by our office in Amarillo, TX to learn more. 


Commercial Insurance Coverage for Retail Stores

Retail stores have unique business needs that make specialized commercial insurance essential for their protection. At West Texas Insurance Agency, we understand this type of insurance and can help Amarillo, TX, residents understand the different options available for their needs. 

What Commercial Insurance Protection Retail Shops Need

Retail shops include businesses like jewelry shops, florists, clothing stores, food stores, pet supply providers, liquor stores, e-commerce sites, and any other store that sells a variety of different goods directly to consumers. As a result, they operate differently than other types of businesses. 

For example, you’ll need specialized policies that cover your goods and supplies from theft. When you lose items in a retail shop, you basically lose your livelihood. Thankfully, an excellent commercial policy can protect you by paying for goods and even equipment replacement needs. 

However, retail shops also need standard commercial insurance coverage options to find financial loss. These coverage options include protection for general liability and business owner’s policies. In addition, they help to protect against things like lawsuits and the structure of your retail shop. 

Retail shops may also need workers’ compensation policies to protect their many employees and commercial auto policies if they use any delivery vehicles. In this way, you can get the comprehensive protection that you need without paying a lot of money in the process. This benefit can help you reinvest back into your business with the money you save.

Let Us Help You 

Our insurance experts at West Texas Insurance Agency understand retail commercial insurance policies and will provide Amarillo, TX, residents with the help that they need to avoid long-term complications. Reach out to us today to learn more about your many coverage options. We’ll do what we can to help provide you with the policy you need.

Servicing States

  • Texas
  • Oklahoma
  • New Mexico