West Texas Insurance Agency

3702 Mockingbird Ln
Amarillo, TX 79109

Do You Need Home Insurance if Your House is Paid For Already?

West Texas Insurance Agency in Amarillo, TX, is staffed by our dedicated team, and our goal is to provide you with the best homeowners’ insurance coverage without any hitch. Since we are dedicated and committed to offering the best services, we remain proactive by providing tailored insurance policies to suit your unique needs by offering peace of mind for your most important asset – your home. One-on-one service from our highly experienced agents gives you confidence that your insurance is serving you purposefully and protecting what matters to you. Reach out to us now to learn more about our full range of home insurance solutions. 

Homeowners’ Insurance Protection 

It is a must for Amarillo, TX, residents who own a home to obtain insurance coverage from a recognized agency like West Texas Insurance Agency for their house, even if it is already paid off. Generally, the lenders demand insurance to protect their investment, and for the homeowners who own their property outright, it is also equally important to acquire coverage. Homeowners’ insurance is a kind of protection that reimburses for any damage caused by storms, fires, or theft. It also protects you from liability cases if someone gets hurt on the property. 

What you need to know is that structural coverage comes with more elements that protect your personal goods and also offers a payout for the additional living expenses when your home becomes uninhabitable. Furthermore, having homeowners insurance will improve the resale value of your home while at the same time providing you with the comfort of knowing that you are financially covered. Contact West Texas Insurance Agency in Amarillo, TX, to determine the best insurance coverage tailored to your needs so that your valuable investment will be fully protected.

Quality Insurance Near Amarillo, TX

If you need the best insurance services to suit your needs, look no further than West Texas Insurance Agency, serving Amarillo, TX. Our team is committed to delivering top coverage and keeping our promises regarding customer relationships. Feel free to contact us to have the ideal solution tailored to your insurance needs. Our experienced professionals are available every step of the way to give you confidence that you are in good hands. Your satisfaction is our priority, so don’t hesitate to contact us.

Homeowners Insurance: How to Make the Claim Process Easier

Filing a claim with your homeowner’s insurance can be an extremely stressful experience. Many homeowners believe that they’ve filed accurate claims, only to have them denied for reasons that aren’t obvious. Here is an overview of some intelligent ways to make the claim process more accessible to get what you’re entitled to faster and without much hassle. 

Provide as Much Documentation as Possible

When filing any claim with an insurance company, the more documentation you can provide, the better. That means that if you are filing a claim that states that a fire damaged your personal items, you should include a copy of the police report that you hopefully filed, any documentation the fire department may have given you, clear and concise pictures of the damage, a full list of everything that was damaged or destroyed and their approximate worth, receipts for any lost items, and as much other documentation that you have access to. 

Be as Honest as Possible

Being as upfront and honest as possible is important because if your adjuster finds gaps in your story, it could result in a delay or even a denial. If your adjuster requests to view the damage in person, then you need to allow them to do so. The more cooperative you are, the quicker the process will be.

We are a West Texas Insurance Agency providing homeowners and other types of insurance for the Amarillo, TX, area, among others. If you want to contact us at West Texas Insurance Agency, and you’re an Amarillo, TX, resident seeking homeowners insurance, we would be more than happy to provide you with a quote and answer any questions you may have. Give us a call today to get things started. 

Can I File a Claim Through My Homeowners Insurance if I Don’t Live in the Home?

If you’re not familiar with all the rules regarding homeowners insurance, you might have many questions about when you can or cannot file a claim. Sometimes, if you’re not sure about something regarding your insurance, you can easily contact your agent to ask questions for clarification. If you’re wondering whether you can file a claim through your homeowner’s insurance for a home you don’t live in, here is an overview that answers this common question. 

If Your Home is Rented Out to a Tenant

If you have rented your home out to a tenant and burglary, a fire, or some other event that results in damage to the home occurs, your tenant should file a claim with their renter’s insurance. However, you can file a claim with your homeowner’s insurance if your tenant doesn’t have renter’s insurance, but in most cases, you will need a copy of the police report. 

If Your Home is Vacant

If your home is vandalized or otherwise damaged while sitting empty, then once you file a police report, you can most certainly file a claim with your homeowner’s insurance. This is one of the reasons to maintain coverage on your home, whether it’s vacant or not, as it will enable you to make repairs on your home without paying out of pocket. 

If you’re an Amarillo, TX homeowner and you’re seeking a new homeowners insurance provider, you should consider giving West Texas Insurance Agency a call. At West Texas Insurance Agency, we take pride in offering top-quality insurance services of all types to our customers, as well as providing excellent customer service. Give us a call today to request a quote.

Making your Texas home a safer place to live

When it comes to making your Texas home a safer place to live, it can mean protecting yourself from things in your house and outside of your house. At West Texas Insurance Agency in Amarillo, TX, we can help make your home safer by ensuring you have the correct home insurance to protect your biggest asset. 

In the home

Safety comes in a lot of different forms. One of the significant safety issues in any home is fire. Every home should be equipped with smoke detectors. They should also have backup batteries if the power is out when a fire starts. It would be best to have a fire extinguisher in an easily accessible location. 

Trips and falls are a significant safety concern. Ensure the lighting is good in all dark areas, such as hallways. Don’t let clutter accumulate on stairs and in heavily trafficked areas. Don’t use throw rugs; they pose a trip and fall hazard. If you must use extension cords, ensure they are tucked close to the wall. Use a no-slip bath mat or stickers. Having a grab bar in the shower or bath is a good idea if you are unsteady. 

Outside the home

Outside your home, lighting is essential. Motion detector lights will guarantee that when you move into their range, they will turn on for you to light your way. 

Installing a home protection system is one way to make your home a safer place from the outside. It can be as simple as a digital locking system that you can activate with your phone or a doorbell camera. Using the locks on your windows is also important. 

Contact West Texas Insurance Agency in Amarillo, TX for all your home insurance needs. 

Why do I need to have home insurance in Texas?

If you are a resident in the Amarillo, TX area, owning a home is a great idea. Property owners in this region of the state will enjoy long-term benefits, such as having a stable place to live and benefiting from value appreciation. Getting insurance is necessary if you want to buy a home here.

Protect Your Dwelling and Assets

A great reason to have a home insurance plan in Texas is to protect your dwelling and assets. If you are looking to buy a home, you will be making a very large long-term investment. Further, you will have various personal items stored within it. When you get coverage through a home insurance plan, you will have support to replace or repair these assets. 

Meet Insurance Rules

You should also get this coverage to ensure you are meeting your requirements. Anyone that is looking to buy a home will need to have insurance for it if they have taken out a loan. Also, any home association will require you to get insurance. When you have this type of coverage, you can remain in good standing with all such obligations in the future. 

If you own a property in the Amarillo, TX area, you need to ensure you get the right insurance. To ensure you can select the right plan, it would be a great idea to call our team at the West Texas Insurance Agency. Our professionals at the West Texas Insurance Agency know the value of this coverage and can offer the support you need to build your next plan.

Is Home Insurance Required for Your Texas Home?

They say that your home is where your heart is, meaning you need to protect it in any way you can. The insurance agents at the West Texas Insurance Agency, serving the Amarillo, TX area, can explain the importance of homeowners insurance and what it covers. Reach out to our office to get started.

What Does Home Insurance Cover?

Home insurance covers the structure of your house and any outbuildings on the property. These can include sheds, garages, decks, and other areas. Home insurance will also cover your personal belongings, such as clothing, makeup, and toiletries. A home insurance policy will also help you replace any appliances, furniture, and other household items damaged or destroyed by a fire, vandalism, or a natural disaster. It is much better to be prepared with a good home insurance policy than to wait and not have any coverage if something bad occurs.

A home insurance policy can also cover items stolen because of a theft incident or a burglary of your house. These are all important reasons why you should have home insurance in place.

Also, if you owe money to a lender for your home, your lender will likely require you to have home insurance coverage to protect their own investment in your property.

You will want to remember that a standard home insurance policy typically does not cover things like earthquakes and floods. This means you will have to work with your insurance agent to add these policies to your home insurance policy to ensure you have coverage in every way you need it.

Contact West Texas Insurance Agency

To create the best home insurance policy for you and your situation, contact the experienced and knowledgeable home insurance agents at the West Texas Insurance Agency, serving the Amarillo, TX area. Call today to get a quote and get your policy started!

Four common misconceptions about home insurance coverage

You should be well informed about any home insurance misconceptions out there. Homeowners in Amarillo, TX can rely on us at West Texas Insurance Agency to get the information they need to insure their homes.

The following are four common misconceptions about home insurance coverage. 

Your home insurance policy covers all of your valuables. 

While any home insurance policy generally offers some coverage for personal property, personal property coverage on your policy won’t necessarily be enough for the full amount of your most valuable possessions. 

If you have especially high-value items in your home, you might want to invest in some added personal property coverage on your policy. 

Your home insurance policy offers medical payment coverage for you and your household.

The medical payment coverage on a home insurance policy covers medical bills for guests in your home that become injured on your property. Your policy won’t cover your medical bills if you become injured in your home. 

Home insurance compensates you for any natural disaster damage.

Unfortunately, standard home insurance doesn’t usually cover certain types of natural disaster damage. For example, standard home insurance doesn’t usually include earthquake and hurricane damage coverage.

Suppose you live in an area where certain natural disasters are especially likely. In that case, you should invest in add-on coverage to ensure that you are covered for damages resulting from these natural disasters. 

You’ll pay less if you’re insuring an older home.

It’s not always less expensive to insure an older home. Older homes can be more costly to insure in certain situations because they may be more expensive to repair. 

Call West Texas Insurance Agency today to get a policy quote from us. We’ll insure your home in Amarillo, TX so that you enjoy financial security and peace of mind. 

Protect Your Most Valuable Asset with Homeowners Insurance

Is your home the most valuable thing you own? Do you live in or near the Amarillo, TX area? If so, the West Texas Insurance Agency professionals can provide the protection your home needs.

Most of us will never have an asset as valuable as our home. What would happen if it was destroyed by nasty weather? Or if a visitor to your home was injured or bitten by your dog? A financially devastating lawsuit could be the result.

Homeowners insurance protects a private residence, which covers losses of personal property, the loss of use, and liability insurance for injuries that could occur on your property.

Homeowners insurance coverage protects the equity that has accumulated on your property. Equity is the difference between what you owe and the property’s value. As you make improvements to the property, the equity in your property increases.

Not all events are covered by homeowners insurance, however. Some of these exclusions are:

  • Acts of war
  • Earthquakes
  • Floods
  • Infestations, including termites
  • Mold
  • Nuclear accidents
  • Sewer backup
  • Water damage

You may wonder why you need homeowners insurance coverage for your home if it is mortgage-free. As the most valuable asset you have, it needs protection. If a covered event happens and you do not have this coverage, you risk losing your home.

If a visitor happens to get injured on your property and a lawsuit ensues, whatever the cash settlement of the claim is, you will pay out of pocket. Homeowners’ insurance will prevent that.

Don’t risk losing this valuable asset. The protection it provides is far more valuable than the small cost you will pay for this coverage.

Let the professionals at West Texas Insurance Agency answer any questions you may have or provide you with a quote for this coverage. Contact our office today. You will be glad you did.

Home Insurance Tips for First Time Buyers

Are you a first-time home buyer? If so, you may wonder what type of home insurance is best for you. While the answer to that question will vary depending on your specific situation, some general tips can help you get started.

1. Don’t Skimp on Coverage

You don’t want to skimp on coverage when it comes to home insurance. After all, your home is likely one of your most significant investments. Ensure you have enough coverage to protect your investment in a fire, severe weather, or other disasters. This way, you can rest assured knowing your home is adequately protected.

2. Consider Replacement Cost Coverage

In addition to basic home insurance coverage, you may also want to consider replacement cost coverage. This coverage will help you replace your home, if destroyed, up to your policy’s limit.

3. Choose a Reputable Insurance Company

Choosing a reputable insurance company is important when selecting a home insurance policy. This way, you can be sure you’re getting the coverage you need at a price you can afford. Be sure to research and compare different insurance companies before making a decision.

4. Review Your Policy Regularly

Once you have a home insurance policy, you must review it regularly. This way, you can make sure the coverage still meets your needs. As your situation changes, so too may your insurance needs.

5. Understand Your Deductible

Your home insurance policy will have a deductible, which is the amount you’ll need to pay out of pocket in case of a claim. Be sure to choose a deductible you can afford if you need to file a claim.

Get Home Insurance in Amarillo, TX

If you’re a first-time home buyer, choosing the right home insurance policy is important. West Texas Insurance Agency can help you find the coverage you need at a price you can afford. Contact us today for a free quote.

How To Choose The Right Home Insurance For You

Getting home insurance for your home is a wise move. However, it’s critical that you choose the right policy for your needs. A home insurance policy that works for another homeowner might not work for you. Here’s how to pick the right home insurance policy for you.

1. Determine Your Priority Home Insurance Coverages

As a resident of Amarillo, TX, several home insurance coverages are available to you besides the typical dwelling, and you need to determine your priority coverages. If you have a guest house, tool shade, fence, or other structures in your home, you will need other structure coverage on top of your basic dwelling coverage. Liability coverage should also be a priority if you typically host parties or have many guests in your home. You can also get loss-of-use coverage, which reimburses the extra living and storage expenses you incur if you have to live elsewhere when your home is being renovated or rebuilt after an incident. At West Texas Insurance Agency, we suggest you pick a home insurance policy with all your priority coverages.

2. Pick the Mode of Reimbursement That Works for You Best

Home insurance policies are available with two reimbursement modes, cash value and replacement cost. A cash value policy will settle your claim based on the actual value of your assets and items with depreciation considered. For example, if your 10-year-old television is destroyed, you will get compensated what the television was worth after considering ten years of depreciation. On the other hand, a replacement cost home policy will replace your items and assets with new ones. Most homeowners in Amarillo, TX, go for the replacement cost home policy because it enables them to maintain their standard of living. However, it’s costlier than a cash value home policy.

Are you an Amarillo, TX, resident looking for home insurance? Contact West Texas Insurance Agency for the best home insurance deal.

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