West Texas Insurance Agency

3702 Mockingbird Ln
Amarillo, TX 79109

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Filing Auto Insurance Claims

After an accident around Amarillo, TX, the last thing you want to do is file a claim and deal with the headaches. However, it is necessary to avoid common mistakes when filing those claims.

Delaying the Claim

One of the most significant mistakes is delaying the filing of your claim. It’s crucial to report the accident to your insurance company immediately. Prompt reporting helps preserve details and evidence while also complying with policy requirements. Delays can result in complications or even denial of the claim.

Inadequate Documentation

Ensure you collect all necessary information at the accident scene, including photos of the damage, other parties’ contact details, valuable notes, and witness statements. Having a police report can also be invaluable. Incomplete documentation can weaken your claim and lead to delays.

Admitting Fault

If you believe you were at fault, it’s wise to let the insurance companies determine liability based on their investigation. Admitting fault will hurt the process and affect your compensation.

Not Seeking Immediate Medical Attention

You should always seek medical attention after an auto accident. If you delay treatment, your health and the claim may be in jeopardy.

Ignoring Policy Details

Know what your policy covers, including deductibles and limits. Ignoring these details can lead to surprises during the claims process, such as out-of-pocket expenses or uncovered damages.

Poor Communication with the Insurer

If requests are made to hand over information, you should always respond immediately, without delay. Poor communication will lead to problems affecting your claim and compensation.

West Texas Insurance Agency Helps Guide You

West Texas Insurance Agency will help guide you and show you how auto insurance can save you in the long haul. Our team covers the Amarillo, TX region. Get in touch with us today.

Temporary Insurance Adjustments During a Commercial Renovation

A commercial business renovation may require adjustments to your existing business insurance policy. These adjustments will protect your place of business, the contents stored within, and the people who have access to your property.


First, you should consider the building you own and operate. When renovating the space, you will likely choose many new structural materials to complete the upgrades.

Adding these materials to your commercial insurance policy will prevent monetary loss if any of the materials are ultimately damaged. In addition, the coverage will protect the materials from theft and vandalism. 


The next thing you should focus on is the type of items you plan on storing within your business. If you are going to swap old furniture out for new furniture, for instance, your new investments may require additional insurance coverage. 

One way to keep track of every item you need to insure is by documenting the purchases you make while the renovation project is underway.


A risk of injury or damage occurs while a renovation project is active. Having liability insurance coverage will protect you in the event of an unforeseen incident. This type of coverage will pay for costs associated with any injury or damage that occurs on or in your property while the renovation is underway.

Contact West Texas Insurance Agency

Contact one of our representatives at West Texas Insurance Agency. An agent who serves the Amarillo, TX, region will gladly assist you with selecting temporary insurance products that will increase the coverage that your existing commercial insurance policy provides for your place of business.

Do You Need Home Insurance if Your House is Paid For Already?

West Texas Insurance Agency in Amarillo, TX, is staffed by our dedicated team, and our goal is to provide you with the best homeowners’ insurance coverage without any hitch. Since we are dedicated and committed to offering the best services, we remain proactive by providing tailored insurance policies to suit your unique needs by offering peace of mind for your most important asset – your home. One-on-one service from our highly experienced agents gives you confidence that your insurance is serving you purposefully and protecting what matters to you. Reach out to us now to learn more about our full range of home insurance solutions. 

Homeowners’ Insurance Protection 

It is a must for Amarillo, TX, residents who own a home to obtain insurance coverage from a recognized agency like West Texas Insurance Agency for their house, even if it is already paid off. Generally, the lenders demand insurance to protect their investment, and for the homeowners who own their property outright, it is also equally important to acquire coverage. Homeowners’ insurance is a kind of protection that reimburses for any damage caused by storms, fires, or theft. It also protects you from liability cases if someone gets hurt on the property. 

What you need to know is that structural coverage comes with more elements that protect your personal goods and also offers a payout for the additional living expenses when your home becomes uninhabitable. Furthermore, having homeowners insurance will improve the resale value of your home while at the same time providing you with the comfort of knowing that you are financially covered. Contact West Texas Insurance Agency in Amarillo, TX, to determine the best insurance coverage tailored to your needs so that your valuable investment will be fully protected.

Quality Insurance Near Amarillo, TX

If you need the best insurance services to suit your needs, look no further than West Texas Insurance Agency, serving Amarillo, TX. Our team is committed to delivering top coverage and keeping our promises regarding customer relationships. Feel free to contact us to have the ideal solution tailored to your insurance needs. Our experienced professionals are available every step of the way to give you confidence that you are in good hands. Your satisfaction is our priority, so don’t hesitate to contact us.

If My Car Breaks Down, Does Auto Insurance Cover It?

When your vehicle breaks down, you can get caught alongside the road and face hefty bills for car repairs. What does your auto insurance cover if your car breaks down?

At West Texas Insurance Agency servicing Amarillo, TX, we’re happy to help you understand what’s included with your auto insurance and what isn’t. We also offer a range of insurance types, so you can choose the best type of auto insurance for your needs. 

Can My Auto Insurance Cover My Vehicle If It Breaks Down?

A typical auto insurance policy does not cover the cost of repairing a vehicle that has broken down due to maintenance problems. However, if you have comprehensive auto insurance, your policy may cover the cost of roadside assistance, including towing the vehicle to a repair shop.

If your car is covered under the vehicle warranty, you may be able to use the warranty to cover the repair cost. Speak to your car dealership to determine if your vehicle is still covered under warranty. In addition, if a recently replaced car part breaks down, it may be covered under its warranty. Speak with the mechanic who performed the installation. 

What Does My Auto Insurance Cover?

There are different types of auto insurance. Liability-only auto insurance is the minimum amount of insurance and will only cover the cost of repairing the vehicle you hit if you are at fault in an accident. Typically, comprehensive auto insurance will cover the cost of repairing your vehicle if it is damaged or stolen. 

Need to Review Your Auto Insurance? Contact Us

Wondering what your auto insurance covers? Call West Texas Insurance Agency, servicing Amarillo, TX. We can help you understand your policy and get the best coverage for your needs. 

Three Types of Commercial Insurance You May Need

Commercial Insurance: Protecting Your Business Across All Fronts

As a business owner, safeguarding various aspects of your business is essential. Considering the many liability forms, having the right insurance in place is paramount to managing your business risks. If you’re a business owner in Amarillo, TX, and need advice on how to shield your business best, don’t hesitate to contact us at West Texas Insurance Agency.

Worker’s Compensation Insurance: A Vital Necessity

An integral type of commercial insurance, worker’s compensation insurance, is mandatory for all businesses with employees. Regardless of your headcount, you’re accountable for any on-job accidents or occupational illnesses your employees may contract. It’s prudent never to be without this crucial risk protection.

Cyber Insurance: An Underestimated Safety Net

Today’s digital landscape holds numerous threats that can jeopardize businesses of all scales. A common misconception among business owners is presuming their business won’t be a hacking target due to its size. However, all businesses, irrespective of their scale, are potential cyberattack victims. In the unfortunate event of a data breach, the penalties can be financially draining, which underscores the importance of cyber insurance.

Commercial Auto Insurance: Coverage for Your Corporate Vehicles

When your business operates company-owned vehicles, a commercial insurance policy is critical. It provides coverage for incidents not typically paid for by a personal auto policy. Each vehicle in your fleet requires this specific insurance.

Investing In Commercial Insurance

It’s time to bolster your business protection if your current insurance coverage falls short. To learn more about identifying and managing the risks faced by your Amarillo, TX business, contact us at West Texas Insurance Agency.

Homeowners Insurance: How to Make the Claim Process Easier

Filing a claim with your homeowner’s insurance can be an extremely stressful experience. Many homeowners believe that they’ve filed accurate claims, only to have them denied for reasons that aren’t obvious. Here is an overview of some intelligent ways to make the claim process more accessible to get what you’re entitled to faster and without much hassle. 

Provide as Much Documentation as Possible

When filing any claim with an insurance company, the more documentation you can provide, the better. That means that if you are filing a claim that states that a fire damaged your personal items, you should include a copy of the police report that you hopefully filed, any documentation the fire department may have given you, clear and concise pictures of the damage, a full list of everything that was damaged or destroyed and their approximate worth, receipts for any lost items, and as much other documentation that you have access to. 

Be as Honest as Possible

Being as upfront and honest as possible is important because if your adjuster finds gaps in your story, it could result in a delay or even a denial. If your adjuster requests to view the damage in person, then you need to allow them to do so. The more cooperative you are, the quicker the process will be.

We are a West Texas Insurance Agency providing homeowners and other types of insurance for the Amarillo, TX, area, among others. If you want to contact us at West Texas Insurance Agency, and you’re an Amarillo, TX, resident seeking homeowners insurance, we would be more than happy to provide you with a quote and answer any questions you may have. Give us a call today to get things started. 

Keeping Your Car Running Safely When the weather Turns Cold

Maintaining your car’s safety and performance during cold weather is essential to ensuring its smooth operation when driving in winter. According to the Amarillo, TX-based West Texas Insurance Agency professionals, these tips will help keep your car running safely as the colder weather arrives.

Tips to Keep Your Car Running Safely in Winter

In addition to modifying your driving habits for slippery roads (i.e., avoiding sudden movement or braking, increasing following distance, etc.) and following the manufacturer’s recommended maintenance schedule, consider these valuable suggestions-

Check the following:

  • The Battery – Cold weather can strain the car’s battery, so check terminal connections and replace the battery when necessary.
  • The Tires – Cold weather can reduce tire pressure. Keep your tires properly inflated or improve traction with winter tires.
  • The Antifreeze/Coolant Level/Concentration – the proper mixture of antifreeze and water prevents engine freeze-ups.
  • The Engine Oil –thickens from low temperatures. Use winter-grade oil to help oil flow in cold temps.
  • Lights and signals – Make sure these are working correctly.
  • The Brakes – inspect the brake system, including brake fluid, pads, rotors, etc.
  • Check Wiper Fluid/Blade – replace worn blades and switch to winter-grade windshield washer fluid to prevent freezing.
  • The defroster, the heating systems, and related belts/hoses are in working order.
  • Keep Fuel Tank Full – a full tank can prevent a fuel line freeze-up and provides a margin of safety should you be stuck in traffic or delayed.
  • Carry Emergency Supplies – including blankets, flashlights, jumper cables, ice scrapers, snow shovels, and essential tools.

Contact a Leading Amarillo, TX Insurance Company Today

If you’re unsure about any aspect of your car’s readiness for winter, consult the insurance professionals at the West Texas Insurance Agency at 806-352-2090 (Amarillo, TX) or 806-5896454 (Lubbock, TX).

How Do I Know What Commercial Insurance Products Will Most Benefit My Business?

Selecting the ideal commercial insurance products for your business is essential for safeguarding your assets and financial stability. West Texas Insurance Agency in Amarillo, TX, is here to help you determine the most beneficial insurance products for your unique business needs.

Assess Your Business Needs

Begin by assessing your business’s specific requirements. Consider factors such as your industry, business size, and operational risks. Recognize that legal requirements for insurance may apply depending on your location and industry.

Common Commercial Insurance Products

Key commercial insurance products to consider include:

  1. General Liability Insurance: Protects against third-party claims involving injury, property damage, and advertising injury.

  2. Commercial Property Insurance: Covers losses related to business property, including buildings, equipment, and inventory.

  3. Workers’ Compensation Insurance: Provides coverage for employee injuries and medical expenses.

  4. Business Interruption Insurance: Replaces lost income and covers operating expenses during business interruptions.

  5. Commercial Auto Insurance: Protects business-owned or used vehicles.

  6. Professional Liability Insurance: Safeguards against errors and omissions in professional services.

Customized Coverage

Tailor your insurance coverage to your business’s unique needs. An insurance agent can help you design policies like cyber liability insurance, inland marine insurance, or product liability insurance, ensuring your specific requirements are met.

Navigating the complexities of commercial insurance is more manageable with the assistance of professionals. They possess local expertise and will effectively guide you through the process. To secure the right commercial insurance for your business, contact West Texas Insurance Agency, serving Amarillo, TX, today. Our dedicated team is ready to evaluate your needs and provide the protection your business deserves. Your business’s success is our top priority.

Can I File a Claim Through My Homeowners Insurance if I Don’t Live in the Home?

If you’re not familiar with all the rules regarding homeowners insurance, you might have many questions about when you can or cannot file a claim. Sometimes, if you’re not sure about something regarding your insurance, you can easily contact your agent to ask questions for clarification. If you’re wondering whether you can file a claim through your homeowner’s insurance for a home you don’t live in, here is an overview that answers this common question. 

If Your Home is Rented Out to a Tenant

If you have rented your home out to a tenant and burglary, a fire, or some other event that results in damage to the home occurs, your tenant should file a claim with their renter’s insurance. However, you can file a claim with your homeowner’s insurance if your tenant doesn’t have renter’s insurance, but in most cases, you will need a copy of the police report. 

If Your Home is Vacant

If your home is vandalized or otherwise damaged while sitting empty, then once you file a police report, you can most certainly file a claim with your homeowner’s insurance. This is one of the reasons to maintain coverage on your home, whether it’s vacant or not, as it will enable you to make repairs on your home without paying out of pocket. 

If you’re an Amarillo, TX homeowner and you’re seeking a new homeowners insurance provider, you should consider giving West Texas Insurance Agency a call. At West Texas Insurance Agency, we take pride in offering top-quality insurance services of all types to our customers, as well as providing excellent customer service. Give us a call today to request a quote.

Telematics and Auto Insurance: How Technology is Changing the Game

Telematics is transforming and changing the auto insurance industry. Here at West Texas Insurance Agency, serving the greater Amarillo, TX area, we want to help you understand more about telematics.

Understanding Telematics

Telematics involves merging telecommunications and informatics, enabling real-time monitoring of vehicles using GPS and onboard diagnostics. This technology provides detailed insights into driver behavior and vehicle performance, sending this information to insurers to help assess risks more accurately.

Benefiting the Safe Driver

One of the standout features of telematics-based auto insurance is personalized pricing. Rather than relying on traditional factors like age, gender, or location, insurers use actual driving data. This means safer drivers can be rewarded with lower premiums, encouraging more responsible driving habits.

Enhancing Claims Processing

In the event of an accident, telematics can provide a detailed snapshot of the moments leading up to the collision, including speed, direction, and force of impact. This real-time data can streamline the claims process, ensuring quicker resolutions and possibly reducing fraudulent claims.

Data Privacy Concerns

While the advantages are numerous, there are concerns about data privacy. Consumers may feel uneasy about insurers having continuous access to their driving habits. Insurance companies need to remain transparent about data usage and storage, emphasizing customer trust and security.

As telematics technology evolves, its impact on the auto insurance industry becomes increasingly profound. Offering a unique blend of personalized pricing and enhanced claims processing is a win-win for insurers and policyholders. If you’re looking to purchase a new auto insurance policy in Amarillo, TX, the West Texas Insurance Agency team can help you find the best policy for your needs. Call today to get started.

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